Cub Connections Parent Meetings
At our last PTA meeting, Ms. Martz shared how we would like to host 4 informational parent meetings a year. We are calling them Cub Connections! When talking with parents the general consensus was that an additional in-person meeting for parents was sometimes difficult because of child care, family schedules, etc., and we completely understand that. Someone suggested an online meeting instead. This would allow parents to still attend and hear the information. So, we are going to try online Cub Connections information parent meetings this first semester, and we will get parent input to decide how to continue in the future.
Our first Cub Connections-Information Parent Meeting is Thursday, November 2nd at 6:00 pm. That day I will send out the link for all Cub families to join virtually on Google Meet. Our topics for this meeting will be 1) Attendance Policies and Guidelines at Cub Run-We will share how student attendance is now part of a school's accreditation and 2) Paw Patrol-Our Parent Volunteer Program. The information presented lasts about 20-30 minutes, and then, we will open the meeting for parent comments and questions.
If parents like the format of these meetings, we hope to present on a number of school topics throughout the year. We are just looking for different ways to connect with our families. If you have additional ideas for ways to connect and/or additional topics you would like for us to talk about, please let me know!
Ms. Martz